At Home Technical Support

Get personalized help for all levels of complexity.


I can be there to help with any issue, whether that's getting comfortable with your devices or a specific problem you'd like a hand with.


Years of being the go-to support of all things technical has given me the experience to best help make your life stress free from computer problems.


Sometimes life is easier with a helping hand, todays world is too busy to be worrying about things ment to make our lives easier.

Get To Know Me

Eric McDonald

A computer science student with a passion for helping people be more comfortable

Some Testimonials

I take great pride in the relationship built in working together to solve your problems.
Louise MacKenzie

Louise MacKenzie

Business Owner

“Eric has been a lifesaver for all of my computer and iPhone support over the past few years. Eric is dependable and knowledgeable. He patiently handles all of the issues with kindness and helps me to understand how to work through the technical challenges. He has always resolved the technical issues that arise, and I’m so grateful for his services."

Jean Ann

Jean Ann


Coming Soon



Retired Teacher

"Eric helped me to purchase, install and learn to operate a new computer and printer. You can count on him for reliability and knowledge."

Get in Touch

Located in Peterborough 

I can come to you! Either in person or if preffered we can do a virtual meeting.

Send me a message

Eric McDonald

Contact Me

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